
  • Fullstack developer with 12+ years of experience in successfully developing web applications
  • Independent, resourceful, detail-oriented, able to quickly grasp new technologies
  • Primarily interested in web applications with a focus on software quality and testing
  • Pragmatic and able to make decisions based on merit not on current fads in technology
  • Fond of Typescript/Javascript and the NodeJS ecosystem
  • Based in London, United Kingdom
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Principal Frontend Engineer

at Landbay
from January 2019 until Present

NodeJS Angular AWS Docker

Senior Frontend Engineer

at Landbay
from January 2018 until January 2019

Joined Landbay during a growth phase and was initially part of a big team before splitting into several smaller scrum teams.

Was the main driver for a consistent development style both with Angular and css, using Bootstrap.

Took the lead in developing a new internal portal used to improve the quality of the lending process.

NodeJS Angular AWS Docker

Lead Web Application Developer

at NCC Group Web Performance
from January 2015 until January 2017

Took the role of Lead developer and with it faced new challenges:

- Cross-team collaboration was paramount as the RUM Monitoring team would reuse components that the Synthetic Monitoring project was developing. Helped integrate these components both directly by working in both projects or indirectly by sharing knowledge and providing guidance.

- Aimed for wider knowledge-sharing across both teams and agreed on a pyramid approach to code review that allowed the junior devs to learn from the mid-level devs and in turn, those will learn from the more senior members.

- Had to carefully balance time spent addressing issues in the code review and the time spend on my own tasks. Reached a balance between giving enough useful feedback in code review comments and in-depth face to face discussions.

- Coordinated efforts to reuse and improve the code base to reach a common vision and allow ease of movement between RUM teams and the Synthetic Monitoring team

AngularJS Karma Protractor CucumberJS Highcharts Java Elasticsearch Storm NodeJS

Senior Web Application Developer

at NCC Group Web Performance
from January 2014 until January 2015

Joined the Synthetic Monitoring frontend team to continue the rewrite of the flagship reporting portal. Re-implemented existing features and added new features using AngularJS and Highcharts with a PHP + MySql microservices backend.

Major challenges:

- Tidied up existing AngularJS code base, that was following bad practices, by splitting all code by feature and removing the stuffy hierarchy of controllers as well as reorganizing services.

- Tight deadlines with an aggressive development strategy to ensure we had features finished and delivered in every 2-week sprint. Good estimation and prioritization of stories as well as taking a pragmatic approach to tech debt and only fixing the most serious of issues.

- Took charge of coaching various team members on specific Angular concepts as well as best practices. Focused on simplicity and ease of change with the goal of higher throughput and simpler code. Had a strong role in guiding and, for a 3 month period until a new QA engineer was hired, took full ownership of the e2e code base including releases.

AngularJS Karma Protractor CucumberJS Highcharts

Software Developer

at Intelactsoft
from January 2011 until January 2014


dINK, (2.5 years)
- Worked remotely to develop new features for a platform that allows the creation of HTML5 presentations, publications or surveys that will be used on a tablet(iPad and Windows8) using HTML5, CSS3, and Javascript with PhoneGap. Ensured cross environment compatibility(app and browser). Developed in both the frontend and the backend. The backend was developed in Python on Google App Engine.
- Custom development for specific clients of the platform involving direct communication with the client as well as analysis of technical specification.

Abi Informatic (3 months)
- Documented the architecture of the existing application(6-year-old java codebase) and developed a testing tool to run automated black-box tests on the application.

jQuery Python Google App Engine Phonegap

Java Developer

at Ingenio
from January 2007 until January 2011

Worked as a Java developer on the frontend and backend of a Retail Credit application for a major Romanian Bank.

Tasks consisted of PL/SQL programming in Oracle and Java with Struts2, Spring, and JSPs. Developed the user interface and user interaction using Javascript with PrototypeJS.

Interfaced our application with an MQ Series through messages that either we designed working with the bank it team or used existing APIs to send and receive data to and from the Banking CORE.

Java Oracle PL/SQL Struts2 Spring PrototypeJS


  • English - Full professional proficiency
  • Romanian - Native or bilingual proficiency